AOSCA Pre-Variety Germplasm Standards, Guidelines, and Publications

Pre-Variety Germplasm Certification Standards

Nomenclature and Labeling for Plant Germplasm Types

Guidelines for Permitting & Certification of Wildland Collected Seed

AOSCA Native Plant Connection

Oregon Pre-variety germplasm standards

Oregon PVG Standards

Other Information

Pre-Variety Germplasm Request for Information

Pre-Variety Germplasm Tag Request Form

Pre-Variety Germplasm Extention Request Form

OSCS General Certification Handbook


Tree Seed

As of April 2009, applications for certification of Forest Reproductive Material ("tree seed") in Oregon and Washington are submitted to the Washington State Crop Improvement Association, 1610 NE Eastgate Blvd, Suite 610, Pullman, WA 99163.